What are the Most used programming languages and databases in Brazil?

3 min readFeb 12, 2022


A data set analysis using Stackoverflow Survey Results from 2019 to 2021


The main goal of this work is to find out what are the most used and wanted programming languages and databases in Brazil in the last 3 years.

We also can see if the newest fields in applied informatics, like artificial intelligence, data science, autonomous vehicles or blockchain, just to name a few, have impacted the use and demand for programming languages and databases.

  1. What are the most used programming languages in Brazil?
Most common Programming Languages from 2019 to 2021

As we can see, JavaScript has been in top of list for the last 3 years standing as the most commonly-used language in Brazil, followed by HTML/CSS, SQL and Java. I was expecting to see Python, R and probably Julia in this ranks but only Python appears.

2. What are the most wanted programming languages in Brazil?

Here we can see and interesting fact: even though JavaScript, HTML/CSS and SQL is still in the top of the list of most wanted programming languages, Python has climbed to the top and currently is 2nd most wanted programming language probably because of the newest and hottest field of data science and artificial intelligence that are mainly focused in Python.

3. What are the most used databases in Brazil?

Most common databases from 2019 to 2021

The most common databases in Brazil was MySQL that was at the top from 2019 to 2020, followed closely by Postgresql. In 2021, Postgresql finally climbed to the top as most used database in Brazil, accordingly to the Stackoverflow survey results.

4. What are the most wanted databases in Brazil?

Most wanted databases from 2019 to 2021

Here can see that Postgresql is still at the top of the rank as the most used and wanted database in Brazil followed by MongoDB.

An interesting fact here is that MySQL, that was at top of most used databases in Brazil in 2019/2020 went down several positions in the rank. The same happened with the non-free flavors Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle both in the last positions in the list.


The idea of this article was to take a look at the most used and wanted programming languages and databases in Brazil comparing theses results from 2019 to 2021.

We saw that Python is climbing fast to the top positions probably because the data science field in Brazil are increasing fast in the last two years and are mainly for python programmers, even though R and Julia shows their importance in several job offers.

Javascript, HTML/CSSS and SQL has been the most used and wanted programming languages in Brazil for the last 3 years and are perfect choices for anyone that wants to learn a new programming language.

Regarding the databases, we saw that the commercial versions Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle are not in demand and are both at the bottom of the most wanted databases while Postgresql and MySql are still in the first positions, followed by MongoDB

To see more about this analysis, see the link to my Github available here

